Chairman’s Newsletter – April 2019

Oxfordshire countryside

Chairman’s Newsletter – April 2019

Hello everyone

The new ride season has kicked off very well, and tomorrow we add the 1* ride to the Tuesday evening programme so that all the options are available from then on. The Thursday 1* rides continue to be very successful and these have added both to the total number of rides being done and also to the general level of fitness! The Tuesday evenings are already proving popular and we have needed to split the 3* ride into two groups twice already. We had great weather for all the recent beginner / back-on-your-bike rides and these have been well attended.

This note is mostly an encouragement to check the rides list on the website and get dates noted in your diaries / calendars / gadgets. The majority of the programme is now posted through to September so you can start to pick the rides you fancy doing. Highlights include:

– the first in a series of Oxford Special afternoon rides, with a tea stop at St Cross College: SATURDAY 27th APRIL
– two distance options for the Blowingstone Audax, organised by Nick Dunton: SUNDAY 12th MAY
– Oxfordshire 75 mile Ride: SUNDAY 2nd JUNE
– Summer Solstice Ride (to catch the rising sun VERY early!): SUNDAY 16th JUNE
– Betjeman Ride (beginners’ ride in association with the Wantage Festival): SUNDAY 23rd JUNE
– Oxfordshire Century Ride: SUNDAY 30th JUNE
– France weekend way, this year a D-Day 75th anniversary tour led by Richard Pethybridge: 5th-7th SEPTEMBER NB: Please contact Richard ASAP if you are interested in this.
– Historic Churches Ride: SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER

As always, full details are on the website.

Finally, I have a piece of sad news to share. Some of you will know or remember Lyn Taylor, an older but very fit cyclist who has ridden with us occasionally. We last saw him on the Mince Pie Rides before Christmas. He suffered a freak accident whilst out cycling at the end of March and has subsequently passed away. I am in touch with the family and they tell me that they would warmly welcome any club members who knew Lyn to the funeral on Friday 3rd May. There will be a procession which cyclists are encouraged to join (on bikes and in cycling kit) to accompany the hearse to the Crem. I will join the procession to represent the Club, it would be great if others are able to do that also. Please contact me if you would like further details.

See you on a ride soon.

Best regards

John Tranter
Chairman – Cycling UK Wantage

April 22nd, 2019