Alvingham Family Charity Ride 2022

Alvingham Family Charity Ride 2022

DS Smith Charity Ride from Alvingham

(in aid of St. Baranabas Hospice)

Sunday 18th September 2022


Cycling UK Louth had agreed to help support the St. Barnabas Hospice Charity Ride being organised by DS Smith. Lee Mamwell was in charge on the day and had forwarded details of the routes. We would take on the 30 mile option.

Meeting up at Alvingham Village Hall in time for registration were Alan Hockham, Chris Owen, Reg Bagshaw, Tim Newbery, Paul Linder and Rob Cook. We were pleased to have along with us Andy Townhill representing Cycling UK Lincoln.

Great organisation with teas, coffees and fresh fruit available on arrival. We found too that the routes had been clearly marked on the road, with three different coloured arrows for each of the distances.

Although attending as ‘Cycling UK Louth’ it was agreed that as the ride was under DS Smith rules and regulations, we would each be able to ride independently, at our own speed, meeting back on return at the village hall. There was also an option of taking refreshment at the North Elkington Foxglove tea shed as this would be their last day of opening this year.

Departing a little before 10 am in fine dry but cool and windy conditions (a headwind of 25 mph!) we headed north towards the Covenham’s . Tim had estimated that he’d probably return by about 1 pm.

A flat ride all the way to Grainsby Holme, the traffic generally considerate and tolerant considering the number of riders on the road. At this stage, Tim bade farewell to Chris who would now return to Cleethorpes.

With a few of the Cycling UK Louth group still together, the ride through the Grainsby Estate was very pleasant and turned out to be the sunniest period of the whole day. Grainsby Hall, owned by the Nettleship-family was sadly demolished in 1972.

For Andy, this would be a new route to him and he was looking forward to the climb along Grainsby Lane to Barton Street, marking our entrance into The Lincolnshire Wolds AONB. His navigation device alerted him to the severity of the climb.

Alongside Stock Furlong and at an altitude of about 110 m, looking back gave a superb view all the way to the coast. We would even be able to see shipping in the Humber Estuary.

Continuing to Wold Newton and finally to East Ravendale we reached our most northerly point of the ride.

Southbound now and with the pleasant thought of a backwind and a route nearly all downhill, Tim looked forward to a slice of cake at North Elkington. Indeed, he wasn’t the only one as when Tim, Paul and Andy arrived, Reg, Rob and John had been in residence for a while also enjoying refreshments. Congratulations to Reg who had mastered the hills.

Tim, Paul and Andy stayed for about half an hour and we hoped to see Alan but unfortunately we didn't spot Alan on this occasion.

A swift ride followed all the way to Alvingham Village Hall where we were all awarded a medal. A well organised, pleasant ride and a great day out.

For some a final few kilometres back to Louth and this time we were joined by a couple of members of Lindsey Road CC; Keith and Jasmine. Apologies if Tim had not remembered their names correctly.

*Ediror's note: 70 riders took park, raising £750 for St.Barnabas*