2019 AGM - Minutes of the Meeting

Wisteria coming down the side of a winding path where a trail guide and cycling group follow behind

2019 AGM - Minutes of the Meeting





Mike McGeever (Chair),  Lawrence Connelly, John Hammerton, Roland Horne, Rod Bridgett, Mick Galloway, Heather Evans , Peter Bailey, Michelle Whitworth, John Bunting, John Doherty, Joe Seery, Jack Harrison, Geoff Diamond, Ted Liddle, Vivien Ferrier, Ken Vanner, Margaret Cockburn, Doug Cockburn, Ralph Watson, Nigel Wild, Mike Ward, Jan Chisholm. (23)

Apologies for Absence

Rod Robson, Clive Morphet, Ron Howdon, Pauline Howdon, Terry White, Nick Paton, Bill Childs, William Wood, Tim Dowson, John Broderick, Mike Wilkinson, Neil Dixon, Gillian Gadd, Dennis Evans, Paddy McBride.(15)

Minutes of the meeting held 7 November 2018

These were read and agreed to be a correct record of proceedings. Proposed by Jack Harrison, seconded by John Doherty.

Matters Arising

The only matter raised was the correction of a typographical error where the date of 2017 should have been 2018.

Secretary's Report

This was read and accepted. The salient points of the report were:-

  • Membership number at the year-end was 1623 including Affiliate members, compared to 1544 last year.
  • Heather Evans continues to carry out work on cycle routes and rights of way issues. Heather is also in contact with Ted Liddle, who has an extensive knowledge of the rights of ways network in Northumberland and is a member of the Northumberland National Park and County Joint Local Access Forum.
  • The development of a new Cycling UK communication tool using their website means that regional email communication with members has been renewed.
  • 24 members and guests attended a cycling holiday in Albufeira, Portugal in May 2019, and 21 members and guests have booked for a cycling holiday in Puerto d’Alcudia, Malorca in April 2019.
  • 36 members and spouses attended a Christmas lunch during the ride on 6 December 2018, and, so far, 45 members and guests have booked for the Christmas lunch at The Plough, Eachwick on 10 December 2019.

Treasurer's Report

This was read and accepted. The salient points of the report were:-

  • The £200 allocation of subscriptions available from Cycling UK was claimed for 2019.
  • Total expenditure during the year was £1115.00
  • The closing balance at the bank on 30 September 2017 was £941.00.

Election of Officers                       

The existing officers were re-elected unopposed. The following officers were therefore re-elected, proposed by Rod Bridgett, seconded by John Bunting.

Chair                       Mike McGeever

Secretary                Lawrence Connelly

Treasurer                John Hammerton

Registration             Lawrence Connelly

Welfare                   Michelle Whitworth

Promotions             Lawrence Connelly

Auditor                   Roland Horne

Any other business           

  1. Ted Liddle gave an update on the following.
    1. The £1000 donation we made last year towards the Reivers Cycle Route relaunch, showing the new map and explaining the new signage on both the on-road and off-road routes.
    2. The Great North Trail showing the new book that will be available soon.
    3. The forthcoming talk by Jenny Graham entitled ‘Evening of Epic Cycling’ at Queens Hall, Hexham on 20 November at 7:30pm.
    4. Ted also showed three new maps which are available for purchase: (1) Family Bike Rides in Northumberland, (2) Ultimate Planning Map for Cycle Touring in Northumberland, (3) Cheviot Hills Mountain Bike Orbital.
  2. Nigel Wild gave a short presentation on reasons why HS2 should be scrapped and the money from that reinvested into the existing railway system by extending existing station platforms and adding cycle carriages to trains.  He requested that this be taken up with Cycling UK headquarters and they lobby government for this.
  3. Jan Chisholm gave a presentation on the bike riding training courses she runs for individuals or groups through her business, Cycle With Jan.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:35pm.