*Sunday Rides Calendar

*Sunday Rides Calendar

Sunday Rides

Welcome to the Sunday Rides calendar and booking page.

New riders are always very welcome, just use the booking page to book your ride. All we ask is that if you enjoy your riding with us, you join Cycling UK after three rides. It would also be helpful if you could complete the guest registration form at the bottom of this page and bring a copy with you to the ride.

To help you enjoy your ride and improve your safety please read the following pages: Group Riding: Guidance and Principles and Group Riding: Shouts and Signals

Rides may be cancelled at short notice in severe weather.
If in doubt, check this web site for last minute cancellations or ring Ian Holding 07774 837 086.

Details of the start locations for these rides (including maps) can be found here

Suggestions and offers to lead rides always welcome.

For new leaders an experienced mentor will be provided to assist you. Please contact Ian Holding 07774 837086 if interested.









22nd October A 09.00 Piazza Terracina Killerton House Tiverton 'Spoons Dave Click here for route Click here to book
22nd October B            
29th October  

Kidical Mass Exeter Bike Ride and Picnic

11:00 Belmont Park
