Stevenage Borough Council Elections - 4th May

Stevenage Borough Council Elections - 4th May

Cycling UK Stevenage sent 3 questions to the agents of all candidates standing in the forthcoming SBC elections on Thursday 4th May. 

Responses have now been received on behalf of all candidates standing.

Question 1
Recent census data shows that over 20% of households in Stevenage do not have a car or van. In some areas closest to the Town Centre this percentage is considerably higher. What would you do to ensure that cycling is a feasible choice for everyday journeys in Stevenage? Responses received

Question 2 
Stevenage Borough Council have had cycle hangars for use in residential areas available since 2021 but only 2 are in place so far. What would you do to ensure that more cycle hangars are installed to allow people to store cycles securely near their homes? Responses received

Question 3
Stevenage Borough Council is our planning authority. How will you ensure that decisions taken are in line with national guidance on the promotion of active travel? Responses received


A list of candidates standing in each ward can be found on the Stevenage Borough Council Website here.

Here is the letter that was sent to agents: SBC  election questions

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