Question 2 - Responses

Question 2 - Responses

Stevenage Borough Council have had cycle hangars for use in residential areas available since 2021 but only 2 are in place so far. What would you do to ensure that more cycle hangars are installed to allow people to store cycles securely near their homes?

Conservative Party

We would work with Cycling UK for advice on where such facilities should be place.

Green Party

Cycle hangars are needed and should be visible so that people can see them in use. Green Councillors would ensure that Stevenage Borough Council install Cycle Hangars for the use of people who live in council owned flats. We then need the council to engage with other property owners to get cycle hangars installed in other areas of the town for people living in flats. Too often we can see bicycles on balconies high above us, getting them there may be easy if you are able bodied and have a lightweight bike, but not if you have a child seat on a robust bike. Green Councillors would enable more people to cycle by ensuring that secure, easy to use cycle parking is provided around Stevenage, cycle hangars are one piece in the answer to this problem.

Labour Party 

This is a truly worthwhile initiative and, if elected, we will continue to support the Council, especially in its role as a key provider of social housing, to promote the a scheme with Cycle UK as a possible partner. We will also encourage residents to submit applications for new cycle hangars via SBC’s online request form:

Liberal Democrats

The Borough Council's current budget restraints make town-wide installation of cycle hangars in the short term very challenging. Liberal Democrat councillors will nevertheless review whether some of our discretionary Local Community Budgets can be allocated towards the installation of cycle hangars in the Manor and Chells wards, perhaps through match-funding from other organisations including the County Council.

Independent (Bedwell)

Cycle Hangers are a great idea, but how many residents know about them. It is left to residents to find out about them through SBC’s website, to apply and then to remain on a waiting list. The logic is that should be a townwide campaign to create an awareness. It may be that the initial campaign and awareness could be the responsibility of Cycle UK Stevenage. Then when armed with the response SBC should be challenged to provide the Cycle Hangers. There will always be cries of who pays. It seems to me there are two immediate routes. One is for SBC to apply to the appropriate government department. After all they have been successful in obtaining finance for the ‘bus interchange, to replace the paving slabs in the town Centre, and to replace the play areas. In the immediate term each Councillor has access to Local community Budgets totalling £60,500. I many instances Councillors simply return this money to SBC, rather than spending it on local issues. One example is in Bedwell where £2,130 was returned to SBC to provide notice boards.

Reform UK

The response received was a general statement addressing all 3 questions and can be viewed here.


The response received was a general statement addressing all 3 questions and can be viewed here.

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