Cycle Happy CCC

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Cycle Happy CCC

Based in Sheffield, UK, our club aims to promote cycling for people with learning difficulties, encouraging health and well-being. We meet to ride at Forge Valley Cycle Circuit (Forge Valley School S6 5HG) most Fridays from 20th April until October. This year we are lucky to have cycling coaches Rob Mace and Linda Pagdin to lead the exercises and share their experience.

Our activities 
Leisure/Touring rides
Family rides
Rides specifically designed for disabled people
About us 

What we do

Meet to ride on the track most Fridays at 6pm.

Bring your own machine or borrow from the Forge Valley bike library.

Our club has trikes you can use - good if you can't ride a bike or just want to try something different.

We also have dedicated balance bikes if you want to learn to ride a bike .

We may be able to offer rides on a tandem or tag-along - fun, but also good to get the idea of what cycling feels like.

There is a social aspect as well. Cycle Happy Club provides an opportunity to meet up, breath some fresh air and do some exercise.

Parents & carers can ride too - some have commented how nice it is to be able to join in the activities rather than sit around the edges just watching.

Note that our club is growing and we have a limited number of specialist trikes/bikes so if you do recommend our club to others please ask them to contact us first, the last thing we want is disappointed young cyclists.

Information about the group rides 

Cycle Happy run traffic free cycling activities at Forge Valley School Cycling Circuit each Friday night. 

As riders progress their cycling abilities additional school holiday and Saturday morning guided rides will also help riders learn to ride safely on cycle paths and other enjoyable cycling routes. 

These rides to be announced via the club webpage 

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