Black Hills Cycling Club

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Black Hills Cycling Club

The Black hills Cycling Club was established in 2020 by the Black Hills Project to serve the Southern area of the Wakefield district. We welcome all cyclists to the group, although currently our main focus is trail riding / mountain biking.

Our activities 
MTB/Offroad rides
Family rides
About us 

Black Hills Cycling Club (group) is a Cycling UK affiliated group based in the South Eastern area of Wakefield. 

We aim to bring together members of our local communities to create a new, diverse, inclusive and vibrant cycling community. We have been given the opportunity to work with Wakefield Council to develop cycling infrastructure in and around Fitzwilliam Country park, this is planned be come our main operating hub from 2021.

As part of our bigger plan we envisage a number of facilities within the park coming together to form a safe yet fun environment, catering for a number of different user groups. To create the facility in the park we will combine the existing trails, Fitzwilliam Community Bike track and a new facility once it is completed to create a facility unlike anything else in the local area. As a Club a number of events throughout the year to encourage new users, and help existing users develop skills. Since 2019 we have been working to create the Fitzwiliam Community Bike track, which has seen the renovation of the run down BMX track built many years ago. 

Black Hills Project believes that the development of cycling in the area should be done in a positive and inclusive manner, taking into account the social and economic conditions in the surrounding areas. We want to encourage those who are able to take a proactive approach to looking after the facility and also to ensure that users are aware of the need to integrate cycling with other user groups and also promote social responsibility whilst out on the bike. We encourage our members to leave no trace and fully endorse the Be Nice : Say HI campaign.

Our area