Worcester and Malvern CTC Annual General Meeting

Worcester and Malvern CTC Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that Worcester and Malvern CTC, a Member Group of Cycling-UK, will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 26th April 2023 in the upper room at The Dragon Inn, 51 The Tything, Worcester WR1 1JT commencing at 7:30pm.

An Agenda is in preparation, which will include the usual formal items:

  1. Minutes of last meeting
  2. Reports (Annual, Treasurer, Campaigns, Slide shows, Cycling-UK)
  3. Election of Auditor and Committee
  4. Any Other Business

An additional item will be a discussion on the future of the Club.
Since the removal of all Covid restrictions we have restarted Tuesday and Wednesday evening rides which have attracted a small but regular group of members. However we have failed to get Saturday rides going again with two rides only being offered over the last year.

The meeting will discuss this situation and how we can encourage ride leaders to offer rides. Alternatively, if the group remains unable to sustain the level of co-ordinated activities to warrant formal member status of Cycling-UK and the current membership is not able or willing to change this situation over the next year, then we may have to consider a change to an informal member group. Moving to an informal member group has consequences such as no committee and no funds but would require a formal member group to oversee its proceedings.

There are three things that members (YOU) can do to contribute actively to your club:

  1. Attend the AGM and bring your ideas and suggestions for the future
  2. Join the Committee
  3. Offer to lead a ride.

Please bring your current membership card with you, otherwise you may not be able to vote.
I look forward to seeing you on the 26th.


John Bennett
Chair W&M CTC

Contact: wandmctc@gmail.com