Winter Cycle Chat & Yuletide Events 2022

Winter Cycle Chat & Yuletide Events 2022

The latest edition of Cycle Chat, our quarterly journal,  is now available here.

Please pass on the link to any of your friends who might be interested.

There are also two events coming up that may be of interest.

The 70th Annual Cyclists' Carol Service Sunday 4th December 2022

This is to be held at St Mary in Charnwood Church., Nanpantan, Loughborough starting at 1.30pm.

Light refreshments will be available after the service.

 Further details on our website

Mince Pie Run Sunday 18th December 2022

The famous Mince Pie Cycle Run will again be taking place at Belton Village Hall between 10.30am and 12.30pm when all cyclists in the area are welcome to come along for a hot drink and some food (including mince pies). The last event in 2019 raised £962 via the tombola for the Rainbows Children's Hospice and we hope to exceed that sum this year. You can find out more about this event by clicking on this link.

If you could spare some time to help on the day we could still do with some more volunteers. If you can help please email

Also Derek would be very grateful for any prizes for the tombola including any cycling item's you can offer. If you can send a description of the item to,  together with your name and telephone number, he will make it available as a prize and ask the winner to contact you to arrange collection.

Happy Yuletide

Dave Binks