Welcome to CTC Cambridge, part of Cycling UK

Welcome to CTC Cambridge, part of Cycling UK

Welcome to your local Cycling UK Member Group CTC Cambridge

As you appear as a 'New Member' on the Cycling UK, I wanted to introduce myself and provide some information about your local group. 

Throughout the year, we organise 5-6 cycle rides each week. They are a great way to enjoy the local countryside, get some exercise, fresh air and have a friendly chat with fellow cyclists.

Our rides, which start in the Cambridge area, are intended to be scenic, sociable, non-competitive and suitable for people of different abilities and tastes.  The shortest and easiest rides are held twice a month on Saturday mornings; there are two rides each Sunday - an all-day and an afternoon ride.  There are also shorter midweek day and evening rides if you can't get out at the weekend.  There are longer, more challenging rides every Thursday.

You don't need to have a particularly sporty bike to come on our rides and you can bring friends along as guests, too.  All of our rides include at least one stop for refreshments at a café, country pub, garden centre or at a member's home; so, you won't go hungry.  The rides are also very flexible in terms of where to join or leave them; some people ride from the start, whilst others join at one of the breaks or indeed return home after a break.

If that sounds like your cup of tea, we look forward to meeting you!

More information

Please visit our website for more information, including a monthly rides list, a blog with photos, ride reports and much more.  It also enables you to sign-up to our 'closed' email group.

Alternatively, take a look at our Facebook page.

By ‘Following’ the page and switching on ‘notifications’ you can receive regular reminders of our rides and events.

If you are interested in riding with us, I am more than happy to try to link you up with a regular rider who lives in your vicinity and who could act as a ‘buddy’ to accompany you to the start of your first few rides.  This isn’t a requirement, but the offer is there if it is helpful.

If you have any further questions about the Club, feel free to e-mail me.

Privacy notice

Finally, the ‘official’ bit!  I obtain access to a limited amount of your personal information through Cycling UK but will only use this information to contact you about Cycling UK matters – your contact details will not be shared by me with anyone else in the club without your permission nor will it be shared with any third parties.

We hope to see you on a club ride soon!

With kind regards.

John Jackson

Registration and Promotions Officer

CTC Cambridge