Spring Rides List

Spring Rides List

Hello Ride Leaders, specifically On-road ride leaders,

Once more I'm seeking rides for the Spring rides list covering March, April and May.  We are well supplied for rides on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Also off-road for Sundays are looking good too.

What we are missing is on-road rides for Sundays.

So please do consider leading this season to give our members plenty to look forward to.  Jeanette had 17 riders out last Sunday for a leisurely short ride so there's plenty of demand.

Usual details please to me, runssec@readingctc.co.uk or the on-road co-ordindator Edwin, onroad@readingctc.co.uk.

Or you can use this new form to submit ride details :-

Ride details (google.com)

Please do get non-members to register via this form


Both the above are new and can be found in the Ride Leaders pack on the club website - https://www.readingctc.co.uk/ride-leader-pack/



Runs secretary, Cycling UK Reading
07846 219 114

BTW this email is being sent via the Cycling UK club website as a way of testing out whether it works or not (first time used by me).  Sure you'll let me know one way or the other.