South Bucks Midweek Cycling AGM

South Bucks Midweek Cycling AGM

In case you missed it in the newsletter, this is a reminder that the South Bucks Midweek Cycling AGM will take place on Wednesday 10th May at 1 pm after the rides, at Prestwood Village Hall, 1 Wycombe Rd, Prestwood, Great Missenden HP16 0NZ.  Tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes will be available from 12:00.

Please come along and support your committee and give us the benefit of your views; what would you like to see more/less of in the next year?  We used to have Century Rides and we could do again, especially if someone volunteered to organise one.

We are in need of a Treasurer so if you can handle a spreadsheet and online bank account, please contact me.  There are not many transactions to deal with and help is available getting started if needed.  Don't leave it to someone else; they are leaving it to you!

Cycling UK ask us to have a Safeguarding Officer on the committee.  There is online training available, but if there is someone in the membership with practical or professional experience, that would be helpful.  We have never had any safeguarding issues reported to us in the past, so the job should not be onerous, but we are asked to have someone with whom concerns can be raised.  If you would be willing to take that on, please contact me.

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Best wishes,
