Reorganisation of Cycling UK Member Groups in your area

Reorganisation of Cycling UK Member Groups in your area

I hope you are enjoying the autumn weather and getting out on your bike.

This email is to tell you about the changes to the Cycling UK Member Groups in your area.

The ‘CTC South Bucks’ group is being subsumed into the ‘South Bucks Midweek’ group. I enclose the minutes of the Special General Meeting at which this decision was made.

How does this affect me, you might ask?

Well, the answer is that the ‘CTC South Bucks’ website (within Cycling UK) will disappear, and the contact for general enquiries will change from me to Ray Bennett (conact details as shown on the ‘South Bucks Midweek’ webpage).

The ‘Aylesbury CTC’, ‘South Bucks Midweek’, ‘Thames Valley CTC’ and ‘South Bucks Chiltern Hills’ pages within the Cycling UK website will remain as now, and of course, the groups will continue to provide organised rides throughout the year.

As a soon to be redundant member group secretary, I would like to thank all those who have kept the South Bucks running over the years, especially those who have made my job so easy of late.

I would also like to thank the many cyclists I have met, and ridden with, through the South Bucks. For me, half the enjoyment of group riding is chatting with my fellow riders – they all share a love of cycletouring, but have diverse, and sometimes surprising, other interests and views.

Personally, I am sad to see the South Bucks go, especially as it has such an illustrious history, but I’m sure the ‘South Bucks Midweek’ group will take up the baton and provide many happy experiences in the future.

If you don't already ride with us, I encourage you to contact Ray and sample the pleasures of group riding.

Kind Regards and Farewell

Anona (CTC South Bucks Secretary)

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