Newsletter August 2019

Newsletter August 2019



1.Message from the chair

2.Winchester CTC late season 50



5.The Leveret



As I write it seems that the weather is on the turn and we are beginning 
to see the end of a summer that has seen the hottest day ever recorded 
in the UK. Since the last newsletter we have been able to enjoy some 
great days out. Highlights include the second running of the HAMPSHIRE 
100. A few nerves at the start but great ride leading by Paul and Chris 
saw a number complete 100 miles for the first time with plenty to spare. 
Thanks to both of them for proving the opportunity to so many to 
complete this milestone.

The numbers for the audax were a bit down on last year but thanks to all 
those who were involved in the organisation we were able to provide an
excellent day out in perfect weather; particular thanks to Bob, Alice, 
Chris, Katrina, Naomi and Jim. As in previous years many compliments were received.

The Dieppe Raid proved to be a big draw following last years good 
reports. The few days in Dieppe stretched our limbs, our knowledge of 
French and provided some memorable moments. This part of Normandy holds 
many attractions, particularly the coastal routes,  along with the Green 
Route out of Dieppe which leads into quiet countryside.

We have enjoyed a full programme and been able to cover much of what 
Hampshire, IOW, and some of Wiltshire has to offer. Many thanks are due 
to those who have given so much time to organising and leading rides 
that have provided so much pleasure and pain. A good new find has been 
the community farm cafe at Petersfinger, who have made us very welcome. 
Tony Hadland’s talk proved to be very interesting and the Bike 
Maintenance morning was very helpful. Thanks also to Kathy and Kevin for 
hosting and cooking a very successful BBQ.

I would like at this point to pay tribute to Joanne who has been our 
publicity officer for a number of years and is now stepping down from 
this post. The weekly updates that you have received from her along with 
the newsletter have been a great benefit to the club's organisation. 
They have kept everyone in touch and ensured the smooth running of the 
programme. I am sure that you will all join me in thanking her not only 
for this but for regular ride leading.

I would like to finish with a call to those who think they can help with 
ride leading. A number have expressed an interest and we are all happy 
to help with something that can seem a bit daunting.

We have plenty to look forward to over the next few weeks with a hope 
that the weather is kind.

Simon Keirby (Chair)


Winchester CTC Late Season 50


This is an annual event run by Winchester CTC, this year it takes place on Sunday 29 September

For further details please go to the Winchester CTC website


Annual General Meeting

A date for your diaries, the AGM will be on Thursday 31 October, more details to follow.



This is an app that helps pinpoint exact locations by applying a unique set of three words to each 3x3 metre square on the planet. Many of the emergency services are now using it so if you were at the site of an accident and had to give an exact location to the ambulance service it would be useful; or even if you have a mechanical failure and need collecting.


Southampton CTC 50km Leveret


The Leveret is a classic shorter ride which we run as a self guided ride, the event this year was seen off by Janet Burnage (the Mayor of Romsey). The day started wet but the heavy rain gave way to bright blue skies, the finish was at Poppies tea rooms where the 21 riders were made very welcome. Thanks to everyone who was involved with the organisation of this event.


Happy Cycling!


Joanne Rowe
