Newsletter April 2019

Newsletter April 2019

Newsletter April 2019


1.Message from Simon Keirby (Chair)

2.Data Management Toolkit

3.Rides Programme

4.Grand National Park2Park and Between the Parks audax

5.Mark Beaumont Talk

6.Kelly’s Cycle Challenge

7.Bike Maintenance Course

8.Gridiron 100 Cycle Ride 2019

Message from Simon Keirby

Hopefully we now have the worst of the winter weather behind us. We have had to cancel/curtail a few rides because of wind, rain, snow and ice, all the usual, but on those days when riding was possible we have been able to enjoy some really good days out, clocking up quite a few miles in the process. This was particularly so in February when we were able to make the best of some really warm weather. We have had some good days down to the coast, breakfast at Barton was finally enjoyed by those who had missed out previously. The new cafe at Lepe has proved to be very popular and it is a struggle to get in at weekends and is still quite busy during the week. The Salt Cafe at Porchester has also proved 
to be a hit. We have had a number of rides out to the east, Lasham Gliding Club and Tree House at Four Marks have looked after us well. If you are not too averse to Motor Bikes Loomies at West Meon Hut were very welcoming to their pedal powered cousins. A crisp cold morning was spent going over to Salisbury and some hands and feet barely thawed out all day. I would particularly like to thank all those who turned out for the reliability ride. We were not the only cyclists out that day but we were all quite glad to finish on such a wild day. Overall across all categories there have been some very good attendances.

The arrangements for Sunday are still bedding in but from the views of ride leaders this has generally led to greater satisfaction. Thank you once again to all those who have 
organised and lead rides for us. It is a testament to you that attendances have been so good. We have been able to enjoy some new routes and resurrect some old ones. It is greatly appreciated by everyone

The new club tops have arrived and have received good reports especially for their warmth, though they are not necessarily aero dynamic. We are not sure what arrangements we will be able to make with Imp Sport for 
future orders but we will keep you posted.

Thank you to everyone who has participated on our rides so far this year and with plenty to look forward to hope to see you soon.

Simon Keirby (Chair)


2. Cycling UK Data Management Toolkit

Cycling UK have provided us with a data management toolkit to use for communications, in the future you may receive emails sent using this tool. If you prefer not to receive these emails you can unsubscribe by following the link at the bottom of the message or by updating your preferences on the Cycling UK website.


3. Rides Programme

We are fast approaching the end of the February to April programme, Chris Tomkins is collating the new programme, The rides programme for May-July can be accessed here -if you would like to lead a ride all you need to do is go to the May-Jul tab in the sheet and add your name and ride details into the slots that have been created. If you have any questions about getting access or how to complete the spreadsheet contact Chris Tomkins,; If you don't feel confident adding your entries, please let Chris know and he can do this for you. 


4. Grand National Park2Park and Between the Parks audax Sunday 12 May

You should have received a separate email about participating in this event. Please note the closing date for entries is 30 April. We still need volunteers to help on the day with a range of tasks from catering to stewarding the car park, if you would like to volunteer please contact Bob Damper,


5. Mark Beaumont Talk

Mark Beaumont who has twice cycled the world will be at The Lights, Andover on 8 May as part of his UK Talk Tour.


6. Kelly’s Cycle Challenge

This takes place on Sunday 19 May starting at Alice Holt Country Park with the proceeds going to charity.

For more details: Kelly's Cycle Challenge


7. Bike Maintenance Course Saturday 13 July

The course will be provided by Bob Damper and Chris Deverell, it is open only to Southampton CTC members and will be provided free of charge. There are only 10 places and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis, please contact Sam Bhullar, if you are interested.


8. Gridiron 100 Cycle Ride Sunday 13 October

This as a 100km cycle ride around the New Forest starting in Lymington and organised by Wessex Cycling. It is one of the rides in Cycling UK's Challenge Ride Series 2019 and is very popular so early entry is recommended.

Happy Cycling!

Southampton CTC