New CyclingUK coaching app- volunteers wanted to try it.

New CyclingUK coaching app- volunteers wanted to try it.


This is an interesting  opportunity to try out a coaching app that has been developed by Cycling UK.  Below is an email sent to me from Zoe Westerman. Please contact Zoe directly if you are interested to find out more. If you take up this opportunity please let me know. 



Peter Charnley


Zoe's Email :


Hi Peter


I hope you don’t mind me approaching you with this, however, I wondered if this is something any members of Huddersfield & District CTC would be interested in?


I'm working on a pilot programme within Cycling UK and looking for some candidates to take part. The objective of our pilot is to test if there is an appetite for a cycling coaching app amongst the Cycling UK community. The goal of using the app is to provide a structure to your cycling to help riders feel more confident, gain fitness and knowledge and enjoy their riding even more.

We are looking at all abilities trying the app out, from recreational rider, to the experienced club rider.


The pilot would be over a 4 week period and of course, we’d need some feedback from you in terms of a short survey pre and post-trial to include such things as knowledge of structured training, feelings toward training, how confident you are cycling etc.


Let me know if this is something you think any of your members would be interested in trying out. No equipment needed other than you, your bike, a mobile phone for the app! If easier, I’m happy for you to share this email to your members and let them contact me directly should they wish to take part.

Hopeful to start from mid February.





Zoe Westerman

Cycling development officer

West Yorkshire

Cycling UK

Mobile: 07810656811

