First Aid training

First Aid training

Accidents will happen. However careful you try to be, it is inevitable that some unfortunate or unforeseen events will occur. How many times have you cut a finger (yes, I've lost count)? Maybe burnt yourself cooking? Or perhaps fallen off your bike (yes, I've done that; several times)? Or, even worse, been knocked off your bike? 

We all like to think that we go about our lives in a safe and appropriate way to try to mitigate any hazards we come across (like riding a bike...). However, there are times when accidents do happen and this is when first aid can make a big difference to the outcome. You may remember Dave Bensley's accident; without first aid being administered immediately, the outcome may have been very different. I'm sure many of us will have done some first aid training or even just an awareness perhaps in our working lives. However, this could be some time ago and so just maybe such skills may be lost in the passage of time. Maybe you're like me and can't remember sometimes what you went upstairs for, never mind remember how to do some basic CPR?  

With this in mind, we are looking to hold a first aid course which will be geared to our specific needs as cyclists but of course would be of value to us in our daily lives. Our plan is is to hold it in a local hall probably on a Saturday in January and will be lead by a qualified first aid trainer (not a club member). However, before we commit to making such a significant financial commitment, we need to gauge what level of support we will get from you. We would like to give priority to those who attend club rides and especially to our ride leaders. Although Cycling UK does not have a requirement for ride leaders to have first aid training, it is recommended. Please consider if you would like either full day course or just a half day.

To help us plan, please complete the following survey. It is just four simple questions. If you share an email address with a family CTC member, please all complete the survey.

If the link does not open in your browser, please copy and paste the link in your browser.

Thank you!
