Cycling UK Brighton and Hove - rides and more!

Cycling UK Brighton and Hove - rides and more!

Hello! I’m the new Chair of your local Cycling UK Brighton and Hove member group. I’m writing to let you know about how you can find out about our exciting new rides programme, managed by Geraldine and Guy, the new Ride Secretaries, and how you can become an active group member.

Rides are listed on our web page at:

If you’d like to join us on one of the rides, please make sure you contact the ride leader first. A link to the ride leader's email is provided with the details of each ride. Maybe you'd ike to invite a non-member? They can try up to 3 rides before being asked to join Cycling UK. We look forward to welcoming new riders and potential ride leaders!

Photos of recent rides, digital files of routes, upcoming events and other cycling news and information can be found on our new Facebook page. Please like our page:

Part of Cycling UK’s role is to campaign for a cycle-friendly future so that people can more easily and safely cycle to work, to school, to the shops, for health, for leisure and all purposes. If you are interested in hearing more about Cycling UK’s campaigns, please go to and sign up to the monthly newsletter.

Lately, we are seeing advances in cycle policy at national level, but you may have heard about the imminent removal of the temporary Old Shoreham Road cycle lanes in Hove.

For a little over a year, these cycle lanes have provided a safer space for cycling as part of a slowly developing network of cycle routes. The council had also obtained funding from the Department for Transport for a permanent scheme to improve the cycle lanes and the junctions along the Old Shoreham Road, making them safer for cycling and walking. But unfortunately these improvements have been blocked locally by opposition parties, who prefer to see the road returned to full motor vehicle use, and so removal of the cycle lanes will commence on 13 September:

Government funding for other beneficial local transport schemes in Brighton and Hove has been put in jeopardy by this political decision and I have been in touch with Cycling UK national office for advice.

Your support for Cycling UK and for local schemes to build more high quality cycling infrastructure, provide more cycle training and to reduce the danger to people on the roads is invaluable.

I hope to meet you at some point, maybe on a ride! Otherwise I am contactable via the main page at