Cycling UK Bedfordshire AGM and rides programme 2024

Cycling UK Bedfordshire AGM and rides programme 2024

A warm welcome to your club update.

The Cycling UK Bedfordshire AGM, your AGM, will take place on Wednesday 8th May 2024. It will be at the Pavilion Café, Bedford Park, Park Avenue, Bedford MK41 7SS
(what3words: actor.softly.budget).

It will be an 1830hrs meet for a 18:45hrs start and will finish promptly at 20:30hrs. Please kindly submit any items for the agenda prior to Monday 22nd April 2024, along with a short explanation to aid the discussion and any decision making.

It may well be that you have not managed to ride with the group however, your presence at the AGM would still be much appreciated.
We are fortunate that we are getting a good turnout for the rides and there are a number of new members joining the rides. Some first attended the AGM so, we would encourage you to take the opportunity to come and meet us.

The latest Rides Programme is attached, and you can see that we really do have quite a ‘full programme’ with a number of interesting rides. However, we would like a member from the ‘south Bedfordshire area’ to help with a ride on Saturday 22nd June 2024.

Whilst our rides currently start from Bedford Park with some rides starting from Central Bedfordshire, we have been joined by members across Bedfordshire. However, if there is demand, we can additionally consider rides from a start location more convenient to those members living more in the south of Bedfordshire too. So, if this is something that would be of interest to you, please do let us know.

It was pleasing to be contacted by a number of members, around the time of the last AGM, that they intended to ride with us soon. But we appreciate that ‘other things’ can get in the way of our cycling. So, even if you have not managed to do so yet, you will have a warm welcome and we look forwards to seeing you soon.

It is your cycling club and your AGM!

Hopefully see you soon,
CUK Bedfordshire Committee. %28CTC%29 Bedfordfordshire RIDES PROGRAMME v1.4 APR-JUNE 2024 2.pdf