CTC North Yorkshire AGM to be held on Sunday,15th May

CTC North Yorkshire AGM to be held on Sunday,15th May

Dear CTC Member, 

CTC North Yorkshire will be holding it's Annual General Meeting on Sunday,15th  May at 1200 noon at The Galtres Centre,
Market Place, Easingwold YO61 3AD

Now that we are back cycling we can all get together and look forward to enjoying the numerous events that are being planned.

At the meeting we will be looking to elect the committee officers so if you would like to be considered please put your name forward, please include a seconder in order to be considered.

If you would have any proposals to put forward, please do so now please include a seconder they will then be added to the attached agenda, please remit this as soon as possible.

As with all active organisations people are needed to run them, so please let us know if you are interested, we are particularly in need of a Publicity Officer and additional officers to get involved with Cyclists Rights issues, though anyone who wants to get involved at any level will be welcome  please don't hesitate to let us know - the more the merrier!

Please try to attend the AGM as all input will be gratefully received! 

If possible please let us know if your are coming, it will help with planning the catering - but you will be welcome in any case!


Just reply to this email, thanks.


Brian Davis

Secretary CTC North Yorkshire


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