CTC Cambridge - GDPR refresh - Reminder!

CTC Cambridge - GDPR refresh - Reminder!

A big 'THANK YOU' to all of you who have replied to our earlier email, the details of which are below.

However, if you've yet to respond, could I ask that you do so as soon as possible so that we can ensure that our list of people willing to lead rides is up to date.

When you 'Reply' you will see that it goes to 'membership' & 'no-reply' addresses.  If you don't want to receive a 'bounce-back' please delete the 'no-reply' address.

Many thanks.

John J.


All Ride Leaders are asked to reply to this email to refresh their status.  Please reply even if you are newly registered.

We need to reconfirm the website details for all of our Leaders as part of the GDPR rules (once per year).

So, please confirm the following details that currently appear on our website:

  1. Display Name - your name as it should appear on the website.
  2. Display 'phone number - your contact mobile number that appears on the website.
  3. Please explicitly confirm that you are happy for your 'phone number to be displayed.

It would help if you could highlight any changes - these will be implemented as soon as possible.

Lastly, this message has been sent to the email address which you provided to Cycling UK.  If you would prefer the Runs Secretary to use a different email address to contact you in the future, please confirm that email address below.

Email address to be used by Runs Secretary:-

Thank you all in advance.

Rupert and John J.

CTC Cambridge