Club Secretary Still Needed! Role and Time Commitment Explained.

Club Secretary Still Needed! Role and Time Commitment Explained.

We have previously emailed you all to ask if anyone would be prepared to take over the role of Secretary from Jayne who wants to retire from the post. We have not received any response from this first email.
We asked Jayne to give as outline of exactly what the Secretary does for us and she has written as below:

"My role as secretary basically includes the following:

  • My biggest input is to prepare for each committee meeting by creating a zoom meeting and sending round the invitations (Meetings are currently held on Zoom so there is no need to go out).
  • I prepare the agenda which is amended slightly from the month before. I take the minutes. If someone has a lengthy report this is sent to me in writing so I just cut and paste it into the minutes.
  • I write up the minutes.
    This all probably takes about 2 hrs a month to do and requires only basic computer skills. (Word, cut and paste)

In addition to this:

  • I reply to emails from Cycling UK which are few and far between. Occasionally I forward to the committee emails giving information or invites to Cycling UK webinars, training session.
  • I would also send any incident reports from rides, to Cycling UK. This is very rare, perhaps 1 a year.
  • I also take the odd phone call from folk wanting to speak to the secretary. It might be to let us know an ex member has died or a cycling initiative in the area. I also advertise things on Facebook and send out a few messages. Perhaps 6 -10 a year.
  • I then prepare for the AGM once a year, gathering reports from committee members, writing a secretary report, advertising the meeting, prepare the agenda etc. I also write up the minutes but this again is largely amending the previous year minutes. This probably takes about 5 hrs a year.
  • After the AGM I do the Annual returns for Cycling UK. This is an online form which is now much easier to do. With all the information from the AGM  I can complete this form in about an hour. This is once a year."

This doesn’t really sound too onerous but as we said before if there is no Secretary then Calderdale CTC will have to fold and hand back its funds to Cycling UK Head Office. Is anyone prepared to give this a go? Please please get in touch with emailing

Yours still in hope
The Committee