Cancelled Events and Photo Competition 2020

Cancelled Events and Photo Competition 2020

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the AGM together with the Photographic Competition have had to be postponed and the Carol Service and Mince Pie Run cancelled.

However the Committee has decided in the circumstances to try a new approach with the Photographic Competition 2020.

Instead of submitting prints we are asking participants to submit photos in jpeg format for inclusion in Google Photo Albums. Please send your entries (including your full name and membership number) to .

There is no entry fee but a maximum of 4 images per category will be accepted from individual members.

The albums will contain the warning that copyright remains with the photographer and unauthorised reproduction is not permitted, but there is no way that we can prevent anyone from copying the images, so entrants must be prepared to accept this risk.

Class 1: Pictorial  (Smith Trophy)
Class 2 Club life - to include at least three cyclists (Alan Haywood Rosebowl)
Class 3: Humorous (Sue Greaves Shield)
Class 4: Novice (member who has not previously entered a photo)
Class 5: Junior (under 18 on 31st December 2020)
Class 6: Theme of the year: Pub and Village Signs in Leicestershire or Rutland. (George Clownes Tray)

Last date for entries 31st December 2020

Please ensure that you make it clear which class each photograph should be entered into.