Calderdale CTC AGM Friday 26 April 2024 (IN PERSON)

Calderdale CTC AGM Friday 26 April 2024 (IN PERSON)

Hello Calderdale CTC members,

Club AGM 

We have booked The Oddfellows Rooms, 3 Coleridge Street, Halifax HX1 2JF for  Friday evening 26th April 2024 at 7.30pm for our AGM.  Please come and join us and support your club.

The agenda for the meeting is attached.  If you have difficulties with the attachment, I have also put a hyperlink to the Agenda at the foot of this email.

Also, would you please seriously consider whether you could serve on the club committee in any capacity and so help the club's activities.  The list of the officers of the Club are on the agenda paper.  If you have a nomination for any of these roles could you please respond to me with the nomination(s), having sought the approval from that person(s)) and also someone to second the nomination.  Nominations can be accepted right up until 7.30pm on Friday 19th April (7 days before the meeting).

Please also let me know in writing by the same date any proposals you wish to be considered at the AGM, with the names of the proposer and seconder.

Finally could you please let me know if you are attending the AGM so that we can ensure we have enough papers and agendas prepared. 

If fewer than ten members attend the AGM that will not constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 

Please send all replies to me.

Michael Pemberton - email:

I look forward to meeting you at the AGM

Michael Pemberton

(Secretary to CalderdaleCTC