Burnley and Pendle CTC - Club News - Q4/2019

Burnley and Pendle CTC - Club News - Q4/2019

Welcome to our final newsletter of 2019. We hope you've had a great year out on your bikes, both in  and around the Pendle area, and further afield.

The days are much shorter at this time of year, so we adjust our club runs accordingly, always aiming to be back before dark. Even so, we still advise all our riders to carry a good set of lights with them - just in case we get delayed for some unforeseen reason. As always - be seen, and be safe.

Since our last newsletter, we've held our Annual General Meeting, and Christmas lunch, which you can read about below,  We've also started making plans for early 2020, so you  can start making notes in your diaries.

FInally, as it's the season of good cheer, we'd like to wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas, and a trouble free cycling New Year.


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