Blackburn & Dist CTC April 2021 update

Blackburn & Dist CTC April 2021 update

Now that the latest (and hopefully the last) lockdown restrictions are easing, group cycling is once again permitted. For the time being, our rides will be held in accordance with the CyclingUK guidelines. We have one member who has volunteered to act as our Covid19 officer though we will need more, if someone would like to step forward and help in running our club.

The rides will meet at Whalley bus station on Sundays, at 9am. The rides will be impromptu, with no destination pre-planned. Instead the route will be decided on the day, by those present. Each rider should be self sufficient with food as at the moment, there's no guarantee of getting refreshments. Thankfully there are quite a few local cafes who are serving takeaway brews and food. No doubt more will open up as the weather improves. The rides will be chosen so that all attending are capable of completing.