Sofa to Saddle - Sunday Social

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Sofa to Saddle - Sunday Social


What is Sofa to Saddle

Simply put, Sofa to Saddle is a cycling group dedicated to nervous and novice riders. 

Our aim is to make cycling accessible to everyone.

What does it cost

If you just want to join any of our #SocialRides, it’s completely free. You will have to register as a Social Member, but that’s free as well.

Our regular Club Rides are for paid members only. You can find out more about our membership plans by clicking here. 

We also occassionally organise a Feature Ride, which may involve refreshments or even overnight accommodation. These are charged on an individul basis.

Who can join

Absolutely anyone! There are no age limits. Although under 18s will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

We do however, have to consider the needs of the group, so you have any concerns about any disabilties, please contact us directly.

What kind of bikes are suitable

Most of our #SocialRides are on tarmac, so pretty much any bike will be suitable, although we don’t recommend full suspension mountain bikes or knobbly tyres, because they make it harder for you, on the road. If you have any concerns, take your bike into West Malling Cycles and ask Tim to give a quick look over.

If you don’t have a bike or your’s isn’t suitable, with prior notice, we can usually lend you one, FREE of charge.

West Malling Cycles

Contact details

Jon Hart
01732 441113