CTC Cambridge Saturday social rides

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CTC Cambridge Saturday social ride
CTC Cambridge Saturday social ride

CTC Cambridge Saturday social rides

Group ride

CTC Cambridge has a social ride of around 25 miles most Saturday mornings.  This is a leisurely ride to a local coffee stop, and all are welcome, including less experienced cyclists.  The start time is usually 10am, but always check the CTC Cambridge website https://ctccambridge.org.uk/ to confirm the details of this week's ride, and how to register for the ride.  Contact the ride leader if you have any questions.  We look forward to meeting you on one of our rides!

United Kingdom
We meet at the wooden bench at the Lensfield Road end of Brookside, by the railings adjacent to the Hobson's Conduit monument. See https://ctccambridge.org.uk/starts/1
Map grid reference 
TL 45159 57638

Contact details

John Seton or Ian Wright