Bants, Bikes and Being Female - Periods, training and bib shorts

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Bants, Bikes and Being Female - Periods, training and bib shorts

Event ride
Bike Week
Women's Festival of Cycling

Hosted by Anna Glowinski, the third instalment of Bants, Bikes and Being Female will delve into female health - and specifically how your body changes during your monthly cycle. We'll talk about how important it is for training and how to adapt your exercise during different parts of your cycle, but also how it will impact your energy and motivation and what that means for you whatever your type of riding. 

We'll have changing tips and how to deal with bib shorts, discuss club rides and what can you do when you're out in the countryside! Bringing you embarrassing stories, frustrating moments, but most importantly - learning from each other. 

Click the "Get Reminder" link below to set a reminder on Facebook, or tune in on Friday at 1pm on the Cycling UK Facebook page or YouTube channel.

Bring your questions and share your stories. We hope to see you there!

This weeks experts: Fran Whyte, Adel Tyson and Charline Jones

Find out more about our experts, and the rest of the series.


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