On my bike: Rob Penn

Rob was one of the first people to ride Cycling UK's West Kernow Way route
Dan Joyce's picture

On my bike: Rob Penn

We spoke to author, journalist & TV presenter Rob Penn about his cycling habits

Why do you cycle?

Multiple reasons but, right now, to stay sane is at the top of the list.

How far do you ride each week?

In winter, 10s of kms – at home, on an MTB and commuting. In summer, 100s of kms on a road bike around the UK and Europe.

Which of your bikes is your favourite?

A handmade steel Brian Rourke, the subject of my book It’s All About the Bike. It’s not just my favourite bike, it’s my favourite possession.

What do you always take with you?

Multi tool, tyre lever, pump, phone, £20 note and (hopefully) a sense of adventure.

Who mends your punctures?

Me. I actually enjoy it.

It’s raining: bike, public transport, or car?

Bike. I live in rural Wales. It’s usually the only option.

Lycra or normal clothes?


If you had £100 to spend on cycling, what would you get?

Probably books and maps. I love maps.

What’s your favourite cycle journey?

It’s a long list, but for brevity: at home, a tour of the Black Mountains; globally, from Kashgar in China to Gilgit in Pakistan, along the Karakoram Highway and over the Khunjerab Pass.

What single thing would most improve matters for UK cyclists?

Where to start?! Making cycle awareness part of learning to drive and the driving test would be a good thing.

Visit Rob’s website.

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