Teaching methodology and ethos

Teaching methodology and ethos

Teaching methodology and ethos

Cycling UK has a very defined ethos in its teaching methodology. It is simply to use the most up to date, inclusive, positive and integrated teaching and assessment techniques available.


For practical based activities like ride leading or instructing we learn by practically delivering the activity. Our trainers are skilled in helping participants develop their own skills. Using the actual activity helps put the context into learning points and of course provides lots of opportunities for practise and supporting feedback to continue the development of your skills. Cycling UK aims to make as much of the course as possible practical through application exercises, even when in the classroom. We will not talk ‘at’ you.


We integrate the principles of 'what leaders/ instructors need to do' with 'how to do them', and reinforce these with why and where these principles should be used.

Your involvement

These principles have resulted in a very fluid course, taking account of your needs and requirements which operates within a framework to fulfil the requirements of the course outcomes. You will be expected to contribute your skills, experience and knowledge throughout the course to aid your and others' leader development.

All aspects of the course apply new or existing knowledge to mountain biking situations, hence if you have knowledge of a particular aspect (e.g. navigation) from other activities, the course will help you put it into a mountain biking context.

Although we aim to modify each course specifically to meet your needs, where you have substantial knowledge of a particular subject (e.g. you are a bike shop mechanic) you may already know and understand some areas of the course. In this situation, please bear in mind others on the course who do not have this knowledge, and continue to develop yourself by assisting them.

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