Riding expectations for Cycling UK courses

Riding expectations for Cycling UK courses

Riding expectations for Cycling UK courses

In order to lead groups when mountain biking, you must have a certain amount of personal riding capabilities, in line with the terrain being used. Each qualification within the National Mountain Awards has specific requirements.

These are quite achievable via your own riding experience in the environment associated with the relevant course level, but clarification of the expectations is provided below.

Skills development is included within each course, so there will be opportunities to work to achieve the requirements during your course.

Trail Leader Riding Expectations

Trail Leaders are, as a minimum, safe on non-technical terrain; may attempt technical sections, not always successfully, able to use controls and direction effectively and be continually aware of others around them.

Trail terrain includes usually green and blue trails in Forestry Commission environments, as well as non-technical cycle accessible routes. See more on Trail Terrain.

Skill A Trail Leader will be able to:
Gear selection Selects gear to maintain reasonable cadence. Anticipates and is able to make correct changes.
Ride over an obstacle Ride over a small (kerb sized) downward step.
Ride up an offroad slope Able to ride up the selected area when seated and standing. Reasonable body position.
Ride down a steep descent Shows control, effective braking and body position. Able to determine what they are unable to ride safely.
Stop without skidding Can stop quickly with minimal skidding. Keeps cranks horizontal.
Ride off camber Successfully rides section.
Moderately fast corner Selects smoothest and safest line. Correct fore/aft weight balance.
Line selection Identifies a suitable line. Keeps to obvious lines.

Technical Leader Riding Expectations

Technical Leaders successfully complete technical sections with evidence of effort and attention. They may yet have to achieve complete fluidity of movement.

Technical terrain includes non-technical and technical cycle accessible routes. See more on Technical Terrain.


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