Cycle campaign news June 2021

The Police and Crime Bill is an opportunity to tighten up road traffic laws. Photo by jf01350 via Flickr creative commons
A police car in front of an incident sign
A police car in front of an incident sign

Cycle campaign news June 2021

Cycling UK's round-up of recent campaigning news

If you follow the Tour de France you’ll have seen some fairly shocking crashes this week, and Cycling UK has been thinking a lot about road crashes too – specifically what happens after a crash, and how our road traffic laws fail to provide justice for victims, as we’ve outlined in a new report. 

There’s been a disappointing decision from the High Court to refuse a judicial review of the removal of a cycle lane in West Sussex, but the fight isn’t over yet. More positively, local campaigners managed to persuade Edinburgh Council to overturn the removal of a temporary cycle lane in the city. 

We all know that cycle lanes aren’t always well designed for people with disabilities. If you cycle with a disability or care for someone who does, take part in Wheels for Wellbeing’s annual survey to inform their campaigning. 

The Welsh Government has made the bold decision to put new road building projects on hold while they conduct a review of the climate impacts. In Northern Ireland, new funding has finally been announced for cycling and walking, but will it be enough to have an impact? 

Finally, at the beginning of June we celebrated Volunteers’ Week. We want to take a moment to thank all of you who use a portion of your time, however big or small, to campaign for better conditions for cycling – whether it’s writing to politicians, organising events, responding to consultations or talking to people face-to-face. It may feel frustrating at times, but it all matters and it all makes a difference. Together we can make a better world by bike.  

Sophie Gordon 

Campaign News editor 

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Fix the five fatal flaws in Britain’s road traffic laws 

Statue of scales of justice

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill presents an opportunity to fix fundamental flaws in our road justice system. 

Cycling UK’s new report Five Flaws: Failing Laws sets out how and why the Bill must address these problems with our road traffic offences which allow people who kill or seriously injure others to walk away with minor penalties, to make the roads safer for everyone. 

We have sent this to all MPs, asking them to table amendments to the Bill to address these five failings in the system. We need MPs from across Parliament to back these proposals to make them into law - and you can help by asking your MP for their support.

Email your MP

Cycling UK takes Shoreham cycle lane challenge to Court of Appeal 

Young girl smiling on a bike cycling along a temporary cycle lane marked with cones
10-year-old Flo using the temporary cycle lane. Photo from Shoreham-by-cycle

There’s been a disappointing decision form the High Court, which refused Cycling UK permission to pursue a judicial review of the removal of a cycle lane in Shoreham. Following receipt of legal advice we’ve already taken that decision to the Court of Appeal.

Duncan Dollimore, Cycling UK’s head of campaigns, said: “Cycling UK is obviously disappointed by Mr Justice Lane’s ruling, and after considering legal advice has appealed this decision. The issues this case raises, including the requirement to actively consider the impact of road space reallocation decisions on all groups with protected characteristics, are too important to let this case rest here.” 


Other stories 

Freeze on new road building projects across Wales 

M4 motorway in south Wales
Photo by Dom Atreides via Flickr creative commons

The Welsh Government is conducting a review before commencing any new road building projects. To reduce carbon emissions, the Government wants to shift money from new roads to maintaining existing routes and investing in public transport. 

However, some have warned that communities like Llandeilo suffering from high levels of through traffic must not be left behind. 


£11 million for Active Travel in Northern Ireland 

After a period of uncertainty over budget allocation DfI Minister, Nichola Mallon, announced £11 million of the £20 million blue/green fund to be allocated to Active Travel Investment. Cycling UK's Engagement officer, Josh Murray shares his thoughts


First riders sail along Belfast's new Maritime Heritage Trail 

Woman cycles past SS Nomadic ship in Belfast

The new 7km city centre route launched at the beginning of June with an inaugural ride from the starting point in CS Lewis Square to the Sailortown district, which also boasts strong connections to Belfast's ship-building past.  

The trail was developed as part of Cycling UK's Routes and Roots project and supported by The Community Heritage Fund, and aims to encourage people in Belfast to discover more about their heritage through cycling. 


Campaign success as cycle lane in Edinburgh is retained 

A decision to remove a temporary cycle lane on Lanark Road in Edinburgh was overturned in place of a further review after a short campaign and demonstration. Cycling UK's campaigns and policy manager for Scotland, Jim Densham, suggests how consultation processes need to be re-balanced if we are to meet climate change targets for decarbonising transport. 


Rural active travel campaigners get together 

Active travel campaigning in rural areas often throws up very different issues to in urban areas. In mid-June we held an online gathering for people campaigning for rural cycling provision, to share thoughts and ideas. If you live in a rural or semi-rural area and would be interested in joining a similar discussion in the future, please get in touch with Stephen Dominy You can also join the Cycle Advocacy Network to connect with other local campaigners. 

Cycling UK has also begun a new Rural Connections project which will support people in Scotland's most rural and remote areas to get more active for everyday journeys, leisure and adventure. 


Success for Oxfordshire community-developed cycling and walking plan 

Cycling UK Oxfordshire met with the council’s new cycling champion, Cllr Andrew Gant, and presented him with their community-developed Abingdon Cycling and Walking Plan. Oxfordshire County Council are now using this as a basis for their official Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan to prioritise improvements. 



Want to get involved with local campaigning in your area and connect with others across the country?

Join the cycle advocacy network


Take action 

Help fix our failing road traffic laws

Ben Bradshaw MP has tabled amendments to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill which would close the 'exceptional hardship' loophole for avoiding driving bans, and create a new offence for serious hit and runs.

We need MPs to support these proposals to get them into law and make our roads safer.

Email your MP


Calling disabled cyclists: Make your voices heard 

Man laughing as he rides an adapted tricycle

The campaign group Wheels for Wellbeing is asking disabled cyclists and carers to share their opinions, needs and experiences in its annual survey before the end of August. 

Wheels for Wellbeing’s campaign work is informed by its research, including this annual survey. The group is currently campaigning for greater accessible infrastructure (Infrastructure for All), the recognition of cycles as mobility aids (My Cycle, My Mobility Aid), and greater representation of disabled cyclists in cycling policy, images, and language (Invisible Cyclists). 

Take the survey

Light Protection Cycle Lanes competition 

This competition is open to designers from around the world to come up with innovative ideas to protect cyclists on busy roads as well as the needs and safety of pedestrians. 

Find out more


Diary dates 

Great Big Green Week, 18-26 September 

A national week of events celebrating action on climate change. Want to get involved and organise an event showing the power of cycling as a solution? See the resources and find out more here. 

Get involved

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