Women wanted! Must have own bike..

Suzanne Forup and just some of the gorgeous CTC Scotland committee

Women wanted! Must have own bike..

The CTC Scotland Committee would like women to join them in the challenge to make Scotland a cycling nation, so Suzanne Forup has said she would help them find some willing volunteers...

The CTC Scotland committee is currently an all-male group. They are diverse in interests, backgrounds, skills and location. But they are definitely all blokes and they can’t seem to attract any women to join them. So, rather like ‘My Single Friend’, I said I’d reach out and see if I could promote their appeal...

Firstly, the CTC Scotland chaps are a great bunch and I’m delighted that I work with them; they are clean, friendly and have a reasonable amount of teeth and hair between them. Some do have beards, but they may be willing to negotiate removal if this is a serious barrier for some women. Secondly, they are passionate about CTC and want to see Scotland become a cycling nation, even if they sometimes disagree how this is best achieved. They are increasingly professional and have a cycling celebrity as the Chair, the ‘Cycling Surgeon’ Chris Oliver.

Don’t get me wrong, I often like being the only woman round the table. If I start a sentence with ‘as a woman cyclist’ they can’t argue with me. But CTC Scotland should reflect the needs, interests and ideas of the whole membership in Scotland.

The Committee meet quarterly, usually in central Scotland, and take on tasks to progress cycling in their area, or to represent CTC nationally at events. For example, we’ll be at Pedal For Scotland on 8 September and we’d really like to have more women available to talk to participants about CTC and the benefits of membership. We’re also looking for someone who would be willing to update the new CTC Scotland section on the CTC website.

If you are a female cyclist with some time to share with the cycling community in Scotland, CTC Scotland would like to hear from you. You won’t be expected to make the tea.

Please contact Suzanne Forup on Suzanne.forup@ctc.org.uk or tweet her @backonmybike. You can also contact the Chair of CTC Scotland, Chris Oliver on chris.oliver@ctc.org.uk

CTC Scotland http://www.ctc.org.uk/scotland
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CTCScotland
Twitter https://twitter.com/CTC_Scot


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