Show up, speak up and get involved!

Women talking cycling infrastucture design

Show up, speak up and get involved!

It might be turning cold in Scotland but Suzanne Forup, CTC's Assistant Head of Development, has a whole load of opportunities for you to get hot under the collar! You might even be able to get things off your chest and get involved in shaping cycling in Scotland too...

Cycling needs you! Yes, you - the young person that cycles to school, the dad on the nursery run, the mum trying to get to work on flooded cycle paths and the trike user that finds just getting around town can be a battle. We need everyone that uses a cycle, and everyone that says they want to, to speak up this winter. The Scottish elections are in May and now is the time to get your voice heard!

The conference season is nearly over, with just one last We Walk, We Cycle, We Vote ride left this weekend in Perth, but there are still ways that you can get involved in shaping the cycling landscape in Scotland.

On 7 November the CTC Scotland AGM and Gathering is being held in Glasgow. As well as hearing from Julian Sayarer about his round the world cycle, you can find out how you can get involved in developing the work of CTC Scotland.

On 11 November we are hosting the third Women's Cycle Forum in Edinburgh. The Women’s Cycle Forum has been attempting to break the mould of cycling conversations for the last two years, having seen one #AllMalePanel too many, and will be bringing an informal round table discussion-led format into the political arena with a spot of ‘political speed dating’ – a chance to share your concerns and views with politicians from all parties. So far, confirmed participants include Green MSP and co-convenor of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cycling in Holyrood, Alison Johnstone, Conservative councillor Joanna Mowat and Lesley Hinds, Labour Councillor and Transport Convenor of the City of Edinburgh Council.

The event will take place at City Chambers in Edinburgh (after the reception for the Cycling Scotland Conference, for those attending, but you don’t need to be going to the conference to take part) and will be free, but places are limited so please book soon. As with all WCF events the evening will be women led but not women only – all are welcome to attend.

Several of our local cycle campaigns are also having public meetings this month. If you're in Edinburgh come along to the Spokes public meeting on 17 November to engage in a (no doubt) lively discussion about climate change and cycling. If you're in Glasgow, why not go along to the GoBike AGM on 18 November.

Please join us and get involved so your children won't have to...


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