140 families join the BIG Colchester Tour Series ride

Richard Monk picture far right Photography: David Higgleton

140 families join the BIG Colchester Tour Series ride

Colchester’s BIG ‘Tour Series’ cycle ride was a great opportunity to showcase the quiet cycle routes that Colchester has to offer. With such a great family turn-out, the event was a success, packing the High Street with cyclists all crossing the Tour Series finish line.

What a day we had in Colchester! Not satisfied with having Olympic Gold medallist Ed Clancy racing through our town centre along with 80 other elite cyclists, CTC was asked to run a community cycle ride to celebrate our day of cycling.

140 families and children took part with rides starting in the historic Hythe Quay area of town and the leafy suburbs of High Woods.

The ride culminated in a traffic-free High Street procession adding colour and a special element to what was a tremendous day - and it showed how pleasant, uplifting and shopper-friendly the High Street environment could be without cars travelling through.

In the ladies’ race, Team CTC fought a stirring race, although the winner Hannah Barnes of MG Maxifuel was far too strong for everyone.

Castle Park hosted a festival of cycling with lots of come-and-try-it sessions, BMX instructors and a wide range of special and adapted cycles as well as lots of other sports taster sessions and an eclectic mix of entertainment.

So what next? CTC is running rides in a number of towns in Essex and they’re all free and open to everyone. Tell us what you’d like to see in your corner of Essex and, even better, come and join the ride.

For more information contact Richard Monk on 07717 724089.

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