What is CTC up to in Scotland

CTC Scotland - the Scottish cycling charity

What is CTC up to in Scotland

CTC is a UK wide organisation, but at the same time it has a distinctive CTC Scotland 'region' which represents and deals, as best it can, with all the specifically Scottish issues.

One of the big advantages of CTC is that it is a UK wide organisation, but at the same time it has a distinctive CTC Scotland 'region' which represents and deals, as best it can, with all the specific Scottish issues. 

CTC is a membership charity organisation, which gives us an independent voice for cyclists, but also means we depend on the modest subscription from members to cover the enormous number of aspects relating to cycling, on a limited budget. That is why we can only operate if members are interested in promoting their particular interest and are willing to get involved and play their part in Scottish cycling issues. CTC in partnership with CTC Scotland have been doing a great deal. Here just to give a very brief flavour of some of our activities:

  • CTC Scotland has an Annual Gathering of Scottish membership along with the CTC Scotland AGM, this year its on Saturday 16th November 2013 at Larbert Boys Brigade HQ, we would urge you to come along and join in some of the discussion. Gordon Seabright CTC's CEO will be discussing what CTC is doing and where is it going in the future. Inspire, Promote Protect.
  • Scotland is a great draw for all cyclists. The status for CTC is much enhanced by having Paul Timms, our vice chair of CTC Scotland, as chairing the Scottish Cycling Tourism Forum.
  • We have secured the next CTC National Annual General Meeting 2014 on Saturday May 10th in Glasgow. Join with CTC Councillors, staff and members to be part of CTC’s future. Companionship, cycling, the many pleasures of the city and indeed of Scotland, will also be on offer. The venue the ‘Radisson Blu’ hotel next to Glasgow Central Station, just four and a half hours from London by train, and just 200 yards from the Clyde and NCR 75.  Glasgow is a hub for National Cycle Routes, leading to Edinburgh, the Clyde Coast, the Highlands and the Borders. After the success of the Volunteer Networking Workshop last year we will be running the sessions again in the morning of the AGM. This gives the opportunity for CTC Member Groups, Clubs and individual CTC members to take part in a series of informal round table workshops exploring various aspects of organising cycling activities, which will be followed by a buffet lunch.  Registration for the event is essential and to find out more contract Sue Cherry (01483 238302 email). We need to encourage as many members as possible to visit, and give them a grand experience when they come.
  • CTC has been doing a lot of campaigning on cycling in Scotland, particularly in the last couple of years or so. The most visible example of this was mobilising 6000 people to write to the Lord Advocate urging him to appeal what we felt was the derisory sentence handed down in the Scottish Courts to driver Gary McCourt. McCourt was convicted of killing 75 year old cyclist (and CTC member) Audrey Fyfe, 26 years after he had also killed cyclist George Dalgity. Yet he received only a community service order and a 5-year driving ban. Both CTC and the bereaved families felt he should have faced a life-time driving ban. Despite this setback, we have launched a Road Justice group within Scotland and are seeking a meeting with Scottish Justice Minister Kenny McAskill later this year in order to take up some of the wider issues raised by the Audrey Fyfe case.
  • CTC Scotland has played a key role in voicing the views of cyclists on the original Cycling Action Plan for Scotland (CAPS) and its more recent update:
  • CTC Scotland partners BikeClub which has remained thriving and successful since its inception three years ago. It has engaged with young people who face multiple barriers to health and learning. We’ve seen hundreds of young people get more active, learn new skills and participate in the running of BikeClubs. Many have never had the opportunity to experience the benefits of cycling before, but are now enjoying regular rides with their friends and families, becoming more independent and feeling fitter. There are over 50 active Bike Clubs across the central belt of Scotland.
  • CTC played an active role in Pedal on Parliament
  • CTC Scotland's Chair Mr Chris Oliver met Scotland’s Transport Minister Keith Brown earlier this year and has met Sir Harry Burns, the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland.  Here’s a recent blog from Chris, emphasising the health arguments for promoting cycling in Scotland
  • CTC is represented on the Scottish Active Travel Alliance, where we co-ordinate joint lobbying with Cycling Scotland, Sustrans Scotland, Living Streets Scotland and others. CTC’s CEO Gordon Seabright is on the board of Cycling Scotland.
  • CTC local volunteer campaigners are active throughout Scotland, promoting improved cycling conditions locally and along major road corridors throughout Scotland. Recent battles have included the Forth Bridge, Aberdeen Western Orbital Bypass and A9.
  • CTC Scotland has a Twitter Feed and Facebook Page So please "follow" and "like" us.
  • There are active Member Groups throughout Scotland with rides at all levels going out almost everyday somewhere in Scotland. We are very much encouraging women and cycling.
  • Going a little further back, CTC Scotland played a vital role in helping to secure the ‘right to roam’ legislation which Scotland has enjoyed since 2003, as well as maximising the benefits for cyclists from this legislation:

All of CTC Scotland activities depend on the input and efforts of those members who come forward to get involved. So please join us.

Dr Chris Oliver
Chairman CTC Scotland
Twitter @cyclingsurgeon


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