Wheels for All - Get Cycling in Sefton celebrates

The Lord Mayor of Sefton

Wheels for All - Get Cycling in Sefton celebrates

Wheels for All - Get Cycling in Sefton at the Litherland centre has been running for 10 years, so CTC's Inclusive Cycling Officer Jayne Rodgers went along to their party to meet some of the people who have been helped to cycle.

As CTC's Inclusive Cycling Champion for the North West, I went to the party and met lots of the regulars and I also met members of local groups and individuals from all over Sefton who came to try out the bikes and find out more about the centre.  

The Lord Mayor opened the event, cut the cake and saw how wonderful and truly inclusive the centre is. 

Wheels for All - Get Cycling in Sefton helps people with additional needs to enjoy cycling. They have a fleet of bikes and friendly team of volunteers and instructors to assist anyone who wants to cycle. 

Every week, a group from Brookleigh, a local care setting, come to the centre to cycle. The whole group really enjoys it and each week more people come to experience the joy of cycling firsthand. 

The people that take part have a great time and love to use the bikes, they have such a great time that they go back to the care homes and talk about the cycling and the fun they have, then the others want to come along and try it too." 

Carer at Brookleigh 

Wheels for All - Get Cycling in Sefton provides a safe environment for people with special educational needs (SEN) and reduced mobility to enjoy cycling. As professional carers, they are very conscious of the safety of their clients and the cycling provides just what they need. The clients can have some fresh air and exercise to help with weight management, as well as socialise with other people, including others without SEN. There is a lot of awareness raising and mutual understanding from being in the same space, especially at an event like today.

Can you help?

Unfortunately, Wheels for All Sefton have had to reduce the number of staff supported sessions over the last few years but they are busy working on providing training for the carers and support workers, so that they can come along with their clients and enjoy additional cycling independently whenever the track is free. If you are interested in volunteering and helping out at the centre, please consider becoming an Inclusive Cycling Volunteer.

Wheels for All - Get Cycling in Sefton is one of over 40 CTC accredited clubs in the UK that are part of the National Inclusive Cycling Network - a partnership between CTC and Cycling Projects, that is funded through the BIG Lottery Fund.


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