Cycling UK Incident Line FAQs

Emma Morris's picture

Cycling UK Incident Line FAQs

From 1 July 2022, the Cycling UK Incident Line will be moving to a new legal partner, Cycle SOS. The existing telephone number 0330 1071789 will remain in place. Find out more in our FAQs below.

1. Why have you decided to move to a new legal legal provider?

2. Who is Cycle SOS and why have you appointed them to manage cycle related claims for members?

3. What will happen to my existing claims being handled by Slater & Gordon?

4. Will I still receive 100% of any compensation settlement awarded from existing claims managed by Slater & Gordon?

5. What is the new offer available to members from Cycle SOS?

6. Can I still use the Cycling UK Incident Line number printed on my membership card?

7. How does the new arrangement compare to Slater & Gordon’s previous member benefit?

8. Where can I find out more details on the legal advice line?

9. Is the same arrangement for legal support available to members who live in Scotland, Northern Ireland or abroad?

10. Do all members have access to the Cycling UK Incident Line?

11. Can I transfer my existing claim with Slater & Gordon to Cycle SOS? 



1. Why have you decided to move to a new legal line provider?

Slater & Gordon have represented Cycling UK members with legal advice related to cycling incidents for over twenty years. During this time, in addition to running our legal advice line, Slater & Gordon demonstrated a strong commitment to the importance of campaigning for Cycle Safety and Road Justice by sponsoring the work delivered by Cycling UK since 2017. With Slater and Gordon’s support Cycling UK has delivered a range of successful campaigns including the Cycle Safety Review, Action on 20mph limits in Scotland and Civil Justice reforms.

As part of our regular programme to review key supplier and partner relationships we carried out a tender exercise earlier in the year to benchmark the existing legal arrangement. Following a thorough process, and after careful consideration, we decided the time was right to begin a new relationship with a new legal partner. From 1 July 2022 Cycle SOS will provide free cycling related legal advice as a benefit included with full Cycling UK membership.



2.  Who is Cycle SOS and why have you appointed them to manage cycle related claims for members?

Cycle SOS has been providing dedicated legal support to cyclists for the last 20 years. Under the direction of founder, solicitor and passionate cyclist Paul Darlington, the brand has offered a bespoke service to thousands of cyclists over the years. Cycle SOS is part of Fletchers Solicitors, who over the last 30 years have represented tens of thousands of motorcyclists following road traffic accidents – handling more two wheel claims than anyone else. Our selection process was based on Cycle SOS meeting a number of key requirements; to be a proven specialist with a strong track record of representing cyclists, to at least match the current benefit provided to members, a commitment to invest in new technology and communications to make the experience of making a claim as clear and simple as possible, and to support our broader charitable objectives.



3. What will happen to my existing claim being handled by Slater & Gordon?

Any members with ongoing claims, or claims currently being assessed by Slater & Gordon will continue to receive the same benefits and fee arrangement agreed prior to the new relationship beginning on 1 July 2022. Members with enquiries related to existing cases should use the contact details provided as part of their ongoing case management.



4.  Will I still receive 100% of any compensation settlement awarded from existing claims managed by Slater & Gordon?

Yes, Slater & Gordon will continue to offer members who have a current claim/case under management the same arrangement that was in place prior to 1 July 2022.



5. What is the new offer available to members from Cycle SOS?

Cycle SOS will be supporting Cycling UK and its members in a number of ways. The two key benefits for Cycling UK members are:

 Keep 100% of your compensation*

Most law firm will charge clients a ‘success fee’ – usually a 25% deduction at the end of their case as a contribution to the legal costs and to compensate for the fact that the claim is dealt with on a ‘no win no fee’ basis. By choosing Cycle SOS, they promise not to make any deductions from your damages in nearly all cases. This includes any insurance policies that we may need to take out for you. That means you will get the maximum amount to replace your bike, get the treatment you need and to move forward with your life. Finally, for total peace of mind – they still work on a no win no fee basis – allowing our members to get the best of both worlds.

Receive Dedicated Small claims support>>>

Claims below a certain value are classed by the government as ‘small claims’ – meaning people are expected to pursue their losses themselves through the small claims court rather than through a lawyer. That can be a daunting process. Cycle SOS can provide members with a ‘small claims pack’ that provides a guide to running the process, as well as useful precedent documents and FAQs. In addition, there is a members helpline to call if you ever get stuck along the way.



6. Can I still use the Cycling UK Incident Line number printed on my membership card?

Yes, the existing Incident Line number (0330 107 1789) will automatically redirect to Cycle SOS from 1 July 2022. Members with enquiries related to existing cases should use the contact details provided as part of their ongoing case management.



7.  How does the new arrangement compare to Slater & Gordon’s previous member benefit?

A requirement of the tender process was for any new provider to at least match the arrangement we had in place with Slater & Gordon. The basis of the ‘no win no fee’ arrangement with 100% of any compensation awarded to the member has been matched by Cycle SOS. Cycle SOS have also agreed to extend the breadth of support to members who want to make a small claim, for damage to cycles or equipment. First and foremost, they are a law firm who understands cycling and have a strong track record in this area of the law.



8. Where can I find out more details on the legal advice line?

Visit our website for full information on the benefit available to members.



9. Is the same arrangement for legal support available to members who live in Scotland, Northern Ireland or abroad?

Successful claims in England and Scotland will have no costs deducted from members’ compensation. However, because of different legal systems in Northern Ireland we cannot guarantee that there will be no deductions from compensation where claims are brought in this jurisdiction. To ensure that all members are looked after, regardless of UK jurisdiction, Cycle SOS will be able to recommend similar specialist firms in your jurisdiction who will ensure you receive the same level of service.



10. Do all members have access to the Cycling UK Incident Line?

All full memberships receive free cycling related legal advice via the Cycling UK's Incident Line run by Cycle SOS. Please note that individual affiliated members, trial and six-month memberships will need to upgrade to full membership to access this service. Please contact the membership team on 01483 238300 for more information on how to upgrade.



11. Can I transfer my existing claim with Slater & Gordon to Cycle SOS? 

Members with Slater & Gordon will receive the same benefits so there is no need to transfer your case due to this change – if you are unhappy with the service you are receiving, please give Cycling UK a call to discuss further. 


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