Early-season sun

Cyclist in Greece

Early-season sun

Enjoy summer cycling conditions now! Benji Haworth and Ed Oxley went to Greece with mountain bikes, while Dave Barter heads to Majorca with his road bike. Read the full article from CTC's Cycle Magazine.

Plenty of us have been to Greece on holiday. It’s one of the most popular destinations for the British tourists. Fewer will have gone during late winter or early spring. And even fewer will have been with the express intention of riding a bike.

For bikers, as with beach holidayers, Greece is extremely well set up for tourism. You can find cheap flight deals all year round. The tourist infrastructure isn’t restricted to the summer months. Which is just as well, as the best time to visit Greece for a bit of mountain biking is early in the year or in the autumn.

The summer months are just too hot for cycling. Even the locals don’t venture out on bikes much in the day during summer. A lot of Greek mountain bikers stick to nightriding then. Either that or they head out at dawn. Spring and autumn temperatures are milder, ranging from 15-25°C. Ideal.

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