Cyclist's riding in a group
Cyclist's riding in a group

How to authorise group emails

If the author of the group email has the Group Email Authoriser role then their email will be sent immediately and without further intervention.

However, if this is not the case then their email is queued for manual review before being authorised for transmission. This can be actioned by someone with the Group Email Authoriser role or somebody at National Office.

To authorise an email:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on the Content menu and then select Content – Group Emails. This list can 
  3. Click on the title of the email to initial view it and confirm that it is acceptable to send.
  4. If it is acceptable then click on the Edit tab at the top of the content.
  5. Click on the Status drop-down and change it to Ready to send.
  6. Click on Save to send the email.