Cyclist's riding in a group
Cyclist's riding in a group

How to lookup users using the Group Toolkit

Each Member Group can use the Toolkit to search for any current Cycling UK member whose address matches that of the group’s list of postcodes. The list therefore displays not only immediate group members but also other Cycling UK members.

Note: The lookup tool is not a generic, universal lookup tool for the entire country; each group’s list is already prefiltered to only display members within the group’s postcode area.

To lookup a member:

  1. Ensure that you have either Group Administrator of Registration Officer permissions for the group.
  2. Login to
  3. Locate the group’s home page.
  4. Click on the Group tab.
  5. Click on Local lists.
  6. A complete list of matched rider records will be displayed. You can then filter that list on fields such as surname, email address, status and so on.