Cyclist's riding in a group
Cyclist's riding in a group

How to add content to the group’s publicity page (detailed guide)

Publicity pages for the groups are created on the main website.
  1. The group manager or one of the group administrators can update the publicity page. 
  2. If you are the group manager or one of the group administrators, log into the Cycling UK website (if you are not already logged in) and navigate to your publicity page via the link within your profile or the list of local groups. 
  3. Once on the page, select Edit from the menu above the main image. 
  4. The group edit page is in two sections: 
    1. Main group information - including the title, image, welcome text and the main information about your group: 
      1. Title – this is the name of your group. 
      2. Image – add a main image for your group. 
        1. If you have yet to upload an image for your group, select the Browse button and the media browser will appear. 
        2. In the media browser either upload a new file or reuse any file you had previously uploaded. 
        3. Set the alt text and title for the image (this helps people using screen readers) and submit the image. 
        4. Once selected, the image will show on the edit page and below it you will see three variants of the image – select each and in the pop-up select the area of the image that looks best and click Save
      3. Welcome text – this appears as an overlay over the image and is best as a short piece of text. If your text is too long consider moving the text to the “About the group” section. 
      4. About the group – enter a summary of your group’s activities. 
    2. Extra group information – this section has tabs to separate the different types of information: 
      1. Activities and information – this section is for the type of rides the group puts on: 
        1. Activities of the group – select the type of activities the group does (you can select multiple activities). 
        2. Information about group ride – enter information about the rides available from the group. 
        3. Rides download – this can be a traditional rides list in PDF format or GPX routes. 
      2. Location
        1. Catchment area of the group – this is the area you would expect people to live in who would be interested in your rides. 
        2. Zoom into the area you want to set – this can be done by double clicking on the map, using the zoom controls or entering your location in the geocode box below the map. 
        3. Draw the area: 
          1. Once in roughly the right area, select the polygon icon at the bottom of the map (or the point icon if you would prefer a single point). 
          2. Click on the map where you want the polygon to start, then move to the next point, and continue until you have mapped your group’s area 
          3. To finish drawing double-click. 
          4. If you are unhappy with the area selected, just do it again; once complete, the old area will be removed and the new area will show. 
      3. Contact details
        1. Enter the main contact name, email address (that is hidden and protected behind a webform) and public phone number. 
        2. Website address – if your group has its own website, then enter it here in the full format including http://
        3. If you do not wish to use the group page but instead just want to redirect users to your own group page, tick the box below the Alternative website URL checkbox. 
      4. Gallery and Download
        1. Gallery – add additional gallery images to showcase your group. 
        2. Download – any additional download for your group.