Cycling UK digital campaigning events

Cycling UK are running a series of events which will explore different aspects of creating a cycling culture
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Cycling UK digital campaigning events

Under the title "Creating a new normal: cycling post-pandemic in the UK", Cycling UK is running a series of digital events providing practical advice and real life examples of how to support and enable more people to cycle.

Each event will feature experts who will provide insight and examples, highlighting just what we can do to improve conditions and develop habits that enable millions more people to cycle. These online, free to attend webinars will be open to all and also available to watch after the event.

This set of events focusses on dedicated infrastructure and creating conditions that promote cycling, drawing on the expertise of relevant practitioners and highlighting what needs to be done to create urban environments that enable active travel. Cycling UK is also running similar events for behaviour change professionals and specific discussions focussed at employers who wish to encourage staff to cycle. 

Upcoming events:

Decarbonising transport: the role of cycling

Date: Thursday 02 July
Time: 14:00 – 15:15

We understand that cycling is part of the solution to many societal and environmental challenges - including climate change - but we often don't necessarily appreciate either the scale of the potential benefits, or how to realise them.

This webinar will explore how cycling infrastructure, combined with measures to significantly reduce emissions, can provide an effective transport solution in our towns and cities. 

The panel discussion will feature expert guests from both the UK and the Netherlands, who will provide practical examples and actions to create a most sustainable future. 

Our expert guests include: 

  • Roger Geffen MBE - Policy Director, Cycling UK
  • Jillian Anable - Professor of Transport and Energy, University of Leeds
  • José  Besselink - Urban planner, Municipality of Rotterdam
  • Steve Chambers - Urban planning and transport consultant, lecturer and campaigner
  • Erik Tetteroo - Consultant for urban planning and bicycle-inclusive mobility, APPM
  • Duncan Dollimore - Head of Campaigns and Advocacy, Cycling UK

There will be an opportunity for Q&A with the panel, and questions can be submitted in advance.


Previous Events:

Making sure cycling becomes part of the new normal

Date: Wednesday 10 June
Time: 14:00 – 15:00

What we’ve learned from the global pandemic is where there’s political will and a sense of urgency, great things can be done quickly. We’re at a crossroads where more and more people want to cycle for leisure, health and everyday travel, and our panel of experts will discuss what practical measures we can take in our localities to ensure a cycling culture is sustained.

This event is for councillors, local authorities, urban planners, and professionals working in transport and active travel sectors. You’ll be provided with practical advice and real life, relevant examples of good developments and programmes.

Our expert guests included:

  • Cllr Anna Richardson – City Convener for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction, Glasgow City Council
  • Cllr Adam Clarke – Deputy City Mayor, Leicester City Council
  • Lior Steinberg – Co-founder & urban planner, Humankind
  • Duncan Dollimore – Head of Campaigns and Advocacy, Cycling UK

Watch event 


These events are the first in a series that will explore different aspects of creating a cycling culture, run in collaboration with a number of key partners. 

With thanks to:

Expert guests:

Speaker biographies

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