7 ways to have fun on your bike

7 ways to have fun on your bike

Looking for new ways to have fun on your bike? Bike Week's Lucy Watherston has a few ideas and she explains by taking part on Bike Week you have the chance to win prizes too.

Cycling has offered the UK a great deal in the wake of coronavirus; a way for key workers to commute safely, an opportunity for households to experience the outdoors together, an escape from the screen and an option to stay healthy. 

We want to help you continue to cycle beyond Covid-19.  

Take part in the Bike Week #7daysofcycling challenge, it is a fun way to test your cycling boundaries. Prizes will be given each day for the best photographs shared online. All you need to do is go for a least one ride during Bike Week and share a photo or video of ride using #7daysofcycling. 

If you're feeling anxious about going cycling in the current environment search for a quiet route. Avoid times when it might be busy, like at lunchtime when people will be flocking for fresh air. Taking quieter roads will help direct you away from the main roads where you’ll feel more relaxed. It also has the benefit of giving you some head space from the traffic noise and your working environment. 

Route planning can be tricky but try a few out, see where it takes you. Getting lost is part of the fun and will guide you to new places and discoveries. You'll also get an idea of how long the route takes so you can plan your next ride. 

Whether you’re back to work, self-isolating or working from home just a small cycle can have a huge impact on your health from managing obesity to helping prevent serious diseases such as cancer and heart problems. 

Let's not forget, taking part is tremendous fun. Here are a few ideas of you can have fun on bike during #7daysofcycling:

  1.  Virtually challenge your friends
  2.  Head out on a cycle ride with your household
  3. Go on a cycling treasure hunt
  4. Cycle in fancy dress
  5.  Explore nature
  6. Try a new route
  7. Cycle food to vulnerable people

Don’t forget to share your videos and photos to #7daysofcycling #BikeWeekUK for a chance to win prizes.

Regular cyclists

If you already know the unlimited benefits cycling can bring, from meeting physical activity guidelines to the sheer thrill of pedalling from your front door, but you’re missing your local cycling group, why not challenge each other as a part of Bike Week. 

Set yourselves and your cycling pals the Bike Week #7daysofcycling challenge and go cycling every day for a week during Bike Week. Who can clock the most miles, wear the club gear in the funniest way and set each other challenges? 

There will be prizes for everyone who takes part. 

Let's keep cycling virtually

It’s our mission to get the nation cycling and we hope you get involved with Bike Week to celebrate the joy and fun of cycling.

Share your cycling fun on social media #7daysofcycling #BikeWeekUK 

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